Heaton Road

Reasons for Objections

Having studied the application, the history of applications and spent countless hours going over the Replacement Unitary Development Plan, as well as other Supplementary Planning Documents (SDP's), below is what we think could form the main basis of objections to the application.  The list can be copied and pasted straight into a document and printed, assuming you add your name, address to the top, date it and sign it and post it to this address.

Please note, we are not professionals, just concerned citizens and as such the below should be taken as nothing more than guidance.  We are not opposed to a Snooker\Pool Hall - just one that is poorly thought out! 

Please include the following email address

[email protected]

in your email to the council.  So by adding the above email address to your objection, we can track the number of applications that have been submitted. 

If your application is by post - please still send us an email, giving your name and address, so that we can ensure every objection is registered.  Your details will not be used for any other reason.

Please feel free to use the below guidance in full, partially or not - entirely as you see fit.

You can also object online by clicking here and subsequently clicking on the button labelled "Make a Comment".  You will need to register in order to do this.  Please note that the deadline for objections is 15 April 2011 at 5:00pm.  

You can email your objection to [email protected]

Remember to change the bits in red, below to your own details!

                                                                                                                                                    Your House Number and Street
                                                                                                                                                    Your Postcode

                                                                                                                                                   Day Month
Planning Service
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
3rd Floor Jacob's Well
Manchester Road

Dear Sir\Madam

Ref: Objections to Planning Application number 11/00787/FUL relating to Snooker Hall and Pool Hall, Lister Mills, Heaton Road, Bradford, BD9 4SH.

I object to the above change of use to a Snooker Hall and Pool Hall with Canteen on the following grounds,

1.      Parking

Whilst the proposal states that 20 parking spaces exist, these will be some distance away.  It is very doubtful that customers will not park the 500 or yards or so, up Beamsley road, but will park immediately outside the front doors, on Heaton Road.  Parking on an evening is already congested due to both residents parking and existing occupants of the Mill, including staff of Crew 2000 and also the Monster Fun play centre.  Whilst there is on-street parking, all that will happen is that existing residents will be displaced, who will themselves have to park further down Heaton Road.

2.      Parking for People with Disabilities

There is no provision as per the Disability and Equality Act 2010, for parking for disabled visitors.

3.      Access for People with Disabilities

Under the DAE 2010 and policy D3 of the Replacement UDP there is no provision for disabled access.

4.      Noise

The proposed application is for a Snooker and Pool centre operating from 11:30 to 24:00.  Currently one side of Heaton Road is residential and the other is commercial, with no business operating on the commercial side outside normal business operating hours.

The proposed Snooker\Pool centre proposes to operate for hours far greater than any current business.  This will result in the associated increase in traffic and noise that large numbers of single males will bring. The ordinary comings and goings of customers will in itself cause noise.

 It is probable that the establishment will be playing music - no policy has been submitted on how the establishment intends to minimise such noise, i.e. music.

5.      Waste Management

No waste management policy has been supplied as to how the Applicant will deal with the volume of waster that will be produced by the visitors\staff, i.e. storage, anticipated volume, location and collection. 

6.      Planning for Crime Prevention

 The proposal does not meet the requirements of Policy D4 nor the SDP (Planning for Crime Prevention) as detailed below,

Risk of Crime and associated issue:

The proposed establishment is aimed predominantly at large numbers of single males, and intends to serve alcohol late into the night.   It is inevitable that large numbers of young males and the late night availability of alcohol will result is anti-social behaviour.

The applicant has not supplied any details of
  • What risk assessments have been carried out?
  • What security measures they intend to implement to safeguard the local residents and mitigate the risks, i.e. CCTV installation and policy?
  • How they plan to manage such behaviour inside the premises and in the immediate vicinity.  The 2 proposed staff is inadequate and no details or policies have been submitted on what door\security staff are to be present and whether SIA (Security Industry Authority) accreditations are to be in place. 
According to Supplementary Planning Document (Planning for Crime Prevention), no details or policies have been submitted on how the Applicant intends to deal with the social disorder and crime issues that are almost inevitable with such a high density of young males, alcohol and the inevitable social disorder issues.

7.      External Lighting

 It is presumed that external lighting will be fitted, given the nature of the building use.  No policy has been supplied as to how any lighting fitted will comply with this policy.

8.  Additional factors

The particulars as shown on the submitted plans show substantial internal\external modifications, some of which aren’t listed but will be required under Building Regulations

·         Part A - Structure

·         Part B - Fire Safety

·         Part C - Site Preparation And Resistance To Moisture

·         Part D - Toxic Substances

·         Part E - Sound Insulation

·         Part F - Ventilation

·         Part G - Hygiene

·         Part H - Drainage and Waste Disposal

·         Part J - Combustion Appliances and Fuel Storage

·         Part K - Protection From Falling, Collision and Impact

·         Part L - Conservation of Fuel and Power 

·         Part M - Disabled Access To And Use Of Buildings

·         Part N - Glazing

·         Part P - Electrical Safety

No policy has been supplied on how these will be carried out and how noise and other pollution will be minimised.


In conclusion this application is poorly thought out with little substance and no credible supporting evidence on how the Applicant will deal with the inevitable issues that will arise. Not to mention the significant reduction in amenity for local residents.

The proposed use of the premises, by reason of the internal arrangement and the probable number of occupants present at any one time, would significantly increase the risk of crime associated with its use. This proposal is therefore contrary to the advice contained in PPS1 which seeks to ensure that the planning system should deliver safe places to live.  It is also contrary to the SPD – Planning for Crime Prevention, which states that in considering applications for conversion of existing buildings the Planning Authority will have regard to the importance of minimising the opportunities for crime.

The proposed conversion of the premises, by reason primarily of the potential intensive occupation and subsequent associated activity, would cause harm to the character and appearance of Heaton Road, and the surrounding streets, within the Heaton Estates Conservation area.  This application is therefore contrary to Policies contained within Chapter 10 of the replacement UDP, which expect a development within a Conservation Area to make a positive contribution to its character and appearance.

In all conscience, considering the significant negative impacts this application will have on the street scene and the local fabric, we ask that this application be refused.

Yours faithfully

Your Name